In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few. 
- Zen Concept of Shoshin

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

five of diy planner's greatest hits

Innowen's top five favorite posts at DIY Planner. After two years, they're reminiscing about their greatest hits. I liked the mind mapping series. Is mind mapping two words or just one?
  • Mindmapping series The power of mind mapping in taking notes has always intrigued me. I wrote this series to give a taste of what mind mapping is and what it can do for you in terms of every day use.
  • Bookbinding series Personally, I think my love for making books was what attracted Doug to hire me in the first place. This series takes a complete beginner through the terminology and steps to make two different books. Bookbinding is a fun and easy way to make your own journals that are perfect for writing thoughts in them.
  • DIY Portfolios Inspired by a thread in our forums about how one creates portfolios, this post was intended to be a short response embedded in that thread. However, after the third paragraph, I decided that the topic should be given it's own spotlight and I turned it into a fully fledged how-to article. So I expanded the post. Not only did I write about what things I used to make my portfolio but I also wrote about picking pieces and writing intro paragraphs. Just enough information to impress any interview. I personally think this is one of the best pieces I've written in my time.
  • How I Work series The most recent article series I've written. This one tries to distill in a few articles all the tools and processes that I currently use to get things done. I felt that it was important to show you all what things I use and do to get things done. What I didn't expect was how long and involved this series was going to be. These articles capture the essence of what this site is all about: using paper (and electronic tools) in a personalized way to get things done.
  • Journalling Prompts The funny thing about this piece is that I recall not feeling well the day I wrote it. However, Doug, the loving boss he is, encouraged me to write something, anything. And this piece was what I came up with. Not only did I decide I liked it, but apparently a few other sites did too and it was syndicated. For me, this article proves that even on your worst day, it's best to keep the pen (or keys) writing. Of course, almost a year later, it inspired me to write a "companion piece".
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